March 13, 2025

Locally #1 Reverbnation Teen Musicians Opening “80’s in the Park”



Anja & Makayla 80's funAnja Conklin and Makayla Burnett, singers, songwriters, and versatile musicians are both 13 years old.  They met in the third grade and began playing together at the age of nine. By ten they started performing publicly and were given the unique opportunity to be the opening act at Dr Gary Null’s (Time Magazine’s Mr. Medicine) Movie Premiere for 300 attendees. Anja & Makayla recently won a national video contest for One Ocean One World by performing a song they wrote about ocean conservation. They spent 6 weeks at number #1 locally on Reverbnation, the home to over 3 million musicians.

Currently, Anja & Makayla are creating original music and performing gigs regularly in our community at multiple venues including private events, festivals, and local clubs.  For their next big event, Makayla Burnett has been asked to sing for the opening of Melbourne’s “80’s in the Park” with the national anthem. Their band will be performing top 80’s cover songs later that afternoon.

80's Band Pic

Join us for the two-day Celebration of Everything 80’s to hear top bands like Tommy Tutone, Quiet Riot, and Georgia Satellites. For a full list of events and bands, go to More about Anja and Makayla at:


For more details:

Contact: Shannon Burnett-Gronich or 321-208-3903

When: Saturday, September 28th – 12:00

Where: 80’s in the Park – Wickham Park, Melbourne, Florida


7th Grader’s Perspective on Hawaii Retreat – School Report!!!


Our Dare to Live Challenge Hawaii Retreat this past November 2012 had a beautiful impact on all the participants and facilitators. To be able to spend time with friends and family…..will be remembered for a lifetime!!! It was very eye opening to have my daughter share this report she turned in and learn more about her perspective. I was envious of her midnight run to the volcano (over 4 hour trip) to see and play with active lava. Looking forward to your comments 🙂

The Legend of Hawaii

              Madam Pele is a goddess of fire, lightning, dance, volcanoes and violence. Pele is also known for her creative power, passion, purpose, and profound love. She has thirteen sisters and three brothers. They are all gods and goddesses. Pele is the goddess of Hawaii.

A long time ago, her father banished her from Tahiti, due to her hot temper. Pele was always getting into fights with her older sister, Na-mako-o-Kaha’i. She is the goddess of the sea, obviously fire and water would not get along. Pele canoed across the sea in search of a new place to live, that’s when she stumbled upon Hawaii.

On Hawaii, Pele created many fiery volcanoes. Pele was unaware that her sister had followed her to Hawaii. So, every time Pele created a volcano, her sister flooded the island and burnt out the fire.  This had happened many times, until Pele and her sister had one huge fight and finally, Pele was free from her sister. It is said that Pele’s spirit lives in Kilauea volcano (one of the most active volcanoes in the world). According to legend, Pele lives in the Halemaʻumaʻu crater of Kīlauea. The legend also says, if any visitors take her volcanic rock, she will curse you until you have returned it back to her.

In Hawaii, I’ve built a relationship with Pele. Once I realized that Hawaii is a sacred place, I was able to connect with the Island in a way no words would describe. I’ve discovered, when you go to Hawaii, you learn a lot about yourself. Also, that Pele has something to tell everyone that goes on her island. It might be advice; it could be her helping you let go of something you’ve been holding on too. It’s different for everyone. If Pele is trying to tell you something and you aren’t letting you’re self hear it, sometimes, she makes you hear it. I’ve seen it in many ways just from the two week I was there. A women Veronica, something went on in her head that made her want to run freely on the dried lava, she tripped and cut herself up. In the process of her healing, she learned what Pele was trying to help her let go of something she had been holding on to for decades. Another women Regena, she stepped on a hot coal and she got a huge blister on her foot that wouldn’t let her walk. She realized Pele was trying to tell her that it was time for her to be helped and it’s not her responsibility to help everyone else. There are a couple of more people that had an experience like that, too.

In my experience there, I’ve learned to be more aware of what I’m doing; be conscious of what I say. I’ve also learned to let go of my past and stay in the present. Pele made Hawaii a magical place and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to go there.

Makayla Burnett  Mr. Washington – Civics at Odyssey Charter School.

Proud Mommy next to the Kilauea – The most active volcano in the World!!!

To join the next Dare to Live Challenge Hawaii Retreat on June 9-15th go to, email or call 321-549-2128.

Ask about our payment options and  scholarship programs 🙂


Here is an easy way to get what you want!! Money and Business Breakthrough


I wanted to share this letter I received from one of my favorite coaches that has helped not only myself, but hundreds of others reach their dreams and desires. I will be a guest presenter next week on getting free publicity.  I look forward to any feedback and comments.


It’s AmondaRose.

Do your closest friends and colleagues go for their dreams, or are
they happy with status quo?

Are you surrounding yourself with others who are dragging you down?

It might be time for a change, because your life is in absolute
direct proportion to the types of individuals you surround yourself

Let me say that again, your life is in absolute direct proportion
to the types of individuals you surround yourself with.

Think about that for a moment. Maybe it is time to achieve the
breakthrough you desire.

* If you want to swim with the Big Fish, you have to stop swimming
with the small fish. It is time to go for the Big Fish! Don’t just
surround yourself with individuals who are at the same level that you
are at.

* Create a life where you play at the level you dream about by
surrounding yourself with individuals who have those things that
you desire. The Big Fish will hold you to a higher level and won’t
let you give up on your dreams. Plus, you will realize that if they
could do it, you can do it too!

Here is an incredible opportunity to surround yourself with the Big
Fish and it is totally F*R*E*E. It’s called the Business and M.oney
Breakthrough Tele-Seminar Series. Can you feel the excitement buzz?
I can’t wait.

As the host of the series, you can count on me to personally
hand-pick the experts based on their knowledge, credibility
and desire to help others. Check out this line-up of AMAZING
Leading Experts, Media Sensations, Professional Speakers, and
Best-Selling Authors – from the comfort of your own home.
Plus, I’m so excited- I’ll be presenting as well!

* Public Speaking Secrets Revealed – How to Captivate Your
Audience, Leave them Craving More and Dramatically Improve
Your Income with AmondaRose Igoe

* How to Develop Your Business and Mo.ney Intuitiveness –
Let Your ESP Drive Your Success! with Halley Elise

* The 12 Step Follow Up System: From Contact to CASH with
Nancy Matthews.

*How to Get Thousands of Dollars in FREE Publicity with Shannon

* Feng Shui in the Abundant Office: How to Arrange Your Office
for Maximum Productivity with Carole Hyder

* How to Attract 5 New Clients in the Next 30 Days and Generate
Immediate Income with Vanessa Shaw

* The Power Shift – Discover how to create powerful
relationships, more Mo.ney, and a healthy body and uncover 
what’s keeping you from achieving it! with Will “Power” Duqette

* How to Quickly Attract Your Ideal Clients Online, and Breakthrough
Your Mindset in 30 Days with Heather Picken

This is your chance to immerse yourself in just the kind of abundant
thinking you need to break through your obstacles. Join us (F-R-E-E!)
by registering at

Please don’t wait- the series begins on August 6, and I do not want
you to miss this opportunity.


I Believe in You and Your Dreams!

P.S. Can’t make the live calls? We are taking care of you too.
All recordings are sent to registered guests within 24 hours.


AmondaRose Igoe

6-Figure Speaking Goddess,
Speaking Trainer and Coach,
and Best Selling Author
561-498-8919 (Office)
(800) 610-9056 (Toll Free)

As a speaking expert, AmondaRose
specializes in helping Business Owners,
Entrepreneurs and Visionary Leaders
Breakthrough their Biggest Speaking
Roadblocks while they Quickly Learn to
Master and Utilize the Power of Speaking
to Dramatically Increase their Results
and their Income.

High Performance Speaking Training and
2051 NE Ocean Blvd.
Stuart, FL 34996
561-498-8919 (Office)
800-610-9056 (Toll Free)


My Personal Invitation and Transformation


I wanted to personally share why I think this is the most valuable and important event I have ever produced. Last November I was selected to be in a documentary film that was a month long retreat/bootcamp produced by Gary Null, PhD. Little did I know this retreat would transform my life forever.

When I went there I didn’t realize the I had a number of personal roadblocks that affected my health, business and family life, on top of the crisis I was experiencing with the economy. Dr. Null’s work has taken me to new levels to live and think in the most authentic way. My health has taken a quantum leap and I can now say, do not need surgery as suggested back in 2009.

As a bonus, my extra weight has fallen away.

Not only has Dr. Null written 100 books, produced 100 films, been named “The New Mr Natural” by Time Magazine and been awarded documentarian and environmentalist – for decades he has worked selflessly on behalf of humanity, our physical and emotional health, the homeless and our environment.

The millions of people, who know of Dr. Null, consider him an iconic leader who has made huge shifts in the world on our behalf. I feel so very blessed that we have been able to have him come to our area.

In alignment with the subject of his new film “LOVE” (which we will be showing and he will include in his talk), I would love it if we could use this also as an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new connections. Let’s come together as a community that makes a positive difference in the world. Let’s celebrate and reconnect with each other.


Have you wasted all your money on ineffective marketing?


Shannon Burnett’s CLP “Extreme Results F-R-E-E Press – Get YOUR Word out NOW!” Bootcamp was a huge success in Boca, now we are holding it in Brevard and West Palm County in October!

You Must Act Now Before It Is Too Late – For You and Your Business



October 3rd – 9 AM – 5 PM
Melbourne, Florida

October 10th – 9 AM – 5 PM
Boca Raton, Florida

Have you wasted all your money on ineffective marketing?

Are you tired of getting little or no results?

Do you want to know extremely effective ways to get your message to the masses?

Is your company a sinking ship going down fast?

Are you ready to learn how to get your name and your business in the news, on radio and in print and for F-R-E-E?

SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS EVERY YEAR WHEN YOU LEARN POWERFUL MEDIA PRINCIPLES THAT GET EXTREME RESULTS. Now is the time that people need to know about you and your business. At the extremely interactive and hands on “Extreme Results F-R-E-E Press Boot Camp” you will walk about with a wealth of knowledge to accelerate your business now by tapping in the power of F-R-E-E Press!

Join Shannon Burnett, Founder and CEO of Conscious Living Partnership at the Extreme Results F-R-E-E Press Boot Camp where you will learn how she successfuly built her business based on the same principles she will be teaching you. She has successful attained over $750,000 in f-r-e-e press. Shannon is known for having the “Million Dollar Rolodex” and teaching others how to do the same. She has trained and coached hundreds of individuals and businesses in marketing, business development and personal growth. Not only has she appeared on television, radio and in the press, she has Co-Authored the “Law of Business Attraction – The Secret of Cooperative Ventures” with T Harv Eker and Dave Austin to name a few.


· Learn The Five Essential Keys To A Power Packed Personal & Business Bio That Gets You Noticed· Know How To Create A Media Press Release That Doesn’t End Up In The PR Department Garbage Can
· Learn The How To Maximize Results With Most Influential Words In The English Langauge
· Discover The Six Secrets To A Media Kit That Will Create “The Promotional Buzz” You Have Always Desired
· Save Time And Money By Learning How To Access The Influential Media Contact List
· Stand Out From The Competion By Being Seen As A “Highly Desired” Expert In Your Field
· Leave With Your Very Own Set Of “Get The Word Out Now” Action Steps
The Extreme Results F-R-E-E Press Boot Camp is easily worth over $2540. If you apply one of the dynamic strategies you are going to learn at this Boot Camp, it could easily reap thousands of dollars coming in your business in record time. Since many of you have wasted tons on money on ineffective marketing strategies with limited or no results, we wanted to give you a irresistable offer that you just couldn’t refuse.
If you are willing to take action now, you will be able to get your message to the masses for a phenomenal price that is just too good to pass up on:


Oct 3 or 10th, 2009 9AM-5PM
Only $97 – per person

Even better – Bring a Friend, Collegue or Spouse for ONLY $177 – For Two

Or call 888-285-1233 or email

The Choice Is Yours! You can choose to continue to pay thousands of dollars for ineffective marketing with limited or even “zero” results. Or you can choose to spend $97 to know how you can get an endless supply of F-R-E-E press with extreme results! And Get Your Word Out Now! Register before this very special offer is going, going, gone.
