March 14, 2025

Single Mom Goes from Zero to $3.1 million


That single Mom was me! Most people think that marketing and press releases are something that comes natural to me.

Let me share how I got started over a decade ago.

As a single mother of two kids, my financial situation was always a struggle.  It seemed like no matter how hard I worked, with daycare and the cost of living, at the end of the day I was still broke.

I had a profound moment in my life that inspired me to start a business to help others find solutions for their health challenges.  I didn’t know how to start a business or run a business, let alone grow a business.

Talk about being scared!

I knew that in order for ANY business to be successful, it must market itself to get customers.  How would I reach MY market with no money to work with?? Successful marketing always costs money… or so I thought!

At that point, I started to really look at the concept of marketing.

What is marketing?  How much does it cost?  What makes a companies marketing successful?  I didn’t learn this in school.  I committed myself to learning everything I could about marketing because I knew if my business was going to succeed, then getting free press was my only way.  I started to look at businesses that had articles published in the newspaper and business people who had been interviewed on the radio. I started studying ways to get free publicity.

I started seeing a simple system that anyone could use to expand any marketing budget and get free press.

I discovered ANYONE can get publicity, have just have to know how.

Shannon Burnett-Gronich

What marketing are you currently using in your business?

Please comment below your experience with publicity.

P.S  Pay thousands of dollars for a publicist or learn how to do it yourself.



Publicity Fad or Client Pipeline? What Social Media Really Means To Your Business


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Is it possible to get free publicity?

Our experience says a resounding, YES!

With technology and internet, the ability to reach millions of people all over the world is not only a dream but an actual reality.

You can save lots of money on publicity and marketing using social networks.

How can you do that?

Determine first what or which network will work best for my business.

I find the social media one of the top platforms to use for free publicity.


First, it is free.

You can put up an account for absolutely free.

Second, who doesn’t use social media these days?

Chances are you don’t have just one account.

Most likely, you have two or three social media accounts.

The data changes all the time, but last we checked, there are 107 million Twitter users in the US alone , 93% of adults in the US are on Facebook , 80% of businesses have Facebook pages and there are 72 hours of video uploaded on Youtube every minute.

How do these impact a business?

Well, there is a LOT of business going on via those social networks:  77% of consumers interact with brands via Facebook, also 77% of marketers acquire their customers on Facebook, 90% trust peer recommendations, 63% of businesses who use social media has reported improved marketing results, and 93% of marketers use social media for businesses.

Social media is not just a fad or a craze.

It is an innovation which can boost publicity and sales.

When used properly and intelligently, it can guarantee success.


Shannon Gronich

P.S.  If you are wanting to increase your clients and sales, this is where you start:


Are you on social networks?

Are you really optimizing them for your business?

Please comment below your experiences on social networks.

