March 13, 2025


“Learn How An

#1 Best Selling Author

Received Over $3.17 MILLION Worth Of Free Press On

TV, Radio And In The Papers!” 



Join Shannon Burnett-Gronich and collaborative experts for the Complimentary 6-week “Free Press” Training Series as they share tools to get more clients using media.

Register below and receive all 6 recordings TODAY!!!


When leading authorities in press releases, public speaking and social media offered to contribute their expertise to the Free Press Training Series and Bootcamp, I was thrilled!  Their wisdom provide even more great information to help you and your business excel in today’s highly competitive environment.


Through Shannon Burnett-Gronich’s How to Get Thousands in Free Press, discover the Six Secrets to a media kit that will Create the “Promotional Buzz” you have always desired, find out how to Create a Media Press Release that doesn’t end up in the PR Department’s trash can and Stand Out from the Competition by being seen as a highly desired Expert in your field.



If You’re Not Effectively Communicating Your Ideas, It’s Literally Costing You Your Dreams! by AmondaRose Igoe contributes three Speaking Breakthrough Strategies that will help you reach your true speaking potential and improve your ability to communicate – in front of a large group or in a one-on-one interview.






Paula Langguth  Ryan’s Tips for Writing Big-Value Supersonic Press Releases from a Press Release Junkie provides a look at writing a press release from the viewpoint of editors and other media professionals.  Her pointed questions will help you fine-tune your press releases into stories media professionals will jump at.









Inside-Out Marketing for Brand Acceleration introduces a multi-pronged approach to brand acceleration.  With six insight-driven strategies, Donna Anselmo helps you consider your own brand through a set of lenses that enhance insight and speed you to better results.  In this chapter, you will explore what drives your brand, consider issues underlying your brand’s performance, and learn how to build your brand and accelerate its growth.






 Social Media Made Simple is Jerry Hayward’s guide to effectively using social networks like Facebook and Twitter.  These “must use” networks can complement your existing marketing plan by taking advantage of the growing number of customers who spend hours a day sharing their information and making connections online.


Take full advantage of the advice, tips and techniques these domain experts provide in over 6 hours of FREE PRESS training!! Then check out FREE PRESS BOOTCAMP. Remember to always keep learning to grow closer and closer to excellence!


Register below and receive recordings TODAY!


Complimentary Registration Form
