January 15, 2025

Creating Your Intentional Year 2013!!

I wanted to share with you one of the tools that I use at the end of each year (or could even be done monthly) to celebrate the year prior and create an even better new year. Here are 6 keys areas to look at when striving for more balance in your world. Please take time to acknowledge and celebrate 2012 by filling out at least 5 successes in each category. Then as you start creating your list for 2013 see if there are areas you would like to improve or give more attention to for the new year! Magical things can happen when you do this process!! 
1. Fitness & Health – Physical activities, eating habits, weight, clothing size, energy level etc.

2. Career or Business – Type of business or work desired, niche, hours worked, revenue, profits, services or products you provide, number of clients etc.

3. Money & Finance – Savings, working income, passive business income, investments, money management etc.

4. Personal Relationships – Primary relationship, family, social & friendships, etc.

5. Personal & Professional Mastery – Spiritual exploration, supportive habits, emotional healing, professional skills and certifications, etc.

6. Big Dreams or Bucklist – What are your big dreams or bucklist? What dreams have you accomplished or what intermediate steps can to take towards reaching your big dream? etc.

Complimentary 30-min coaching session for the first 20 who book before Jan 15th. Happy New Year Gift from me!!!
Partners in Health and Success,
Shannon Burnett-Gronich
Event Production Goddess,
Marketing Expert, and 
Best Selling Author

Receive FREE “Press Release Template” that gets RESULTS with a sample Press Release at www.ConsciousLivingPublishing.com

The Art of Craft & Buckminster Fuller


Create a written list of your deepest desires and intentions” – Buckminster Fuller


Yesterday was magical to watch the gifts show-up throughout the day. One of the first things we did when we got here was make a list together of what we really want to do before we left the island. Part of making dreams a reality is writing them down. 


Our Hawaii Honeymoon Wishlist

Go to a Luau with fire dancer

Visit and play with Brian Ridgeway, Randy Craft, Dr Nadia Linda Hole, Howard and Ena, Gary and Syd

Swim with dophins (now added Sea Turtles)

See flowing lava and volcano

Make love under a waterfall 🙂

Attend a Ceremony

Yoga and Journal everyday (personal intention)

Read the “Love Dare” together everyday

Entire day of silence, no technology or words period


It’s only night 5 tonight and amazing how much we have completed so far….just from writing it down!


One thing, when we went and picked up our rental car I visualized how nice a convertible would be to drive in Hawaii. Last night we visited Randy Craft of the Art of Craft, who so kindly let me drive his gorgeous white Mercedes convertible to dinner last night. Dream come true….sun setting with wind blowing through my hair listening to wonderful love songs. I was fortune enough to have the opportunity to work with him and will never think the same about running a business or creating what I want in life.  He spent the last four years of Buckminster Fuller’s life with him. Full of seeds of wisdom and consciousness shifting perspectives. Reminded how money is NOT the solution to focus on. It’s a complete shift in consciousness. Looking forward to sharing more about my transformational night looking at Buckminster Fuller’s Blueprint for Planetary Abundance – Seven Steps to Global Citizenship with friend and mentor, Randy Craft  www.planinparadise.com. Love sharing time with him and Ari.


Spent the morning together doing yoga and preparing for our journey to the Bay to see if we can play with the dolphins again!! Tonight we celebrated our 6 month wedding anniversary at a Hawaiian Luau….what a wonderful time celebrating love and all possibilities.


Thanks for reading and sharing!! Remember our thoughts are so powerful and we can attract and create things in an instant….so stay focused on what you want and watch your dreams come true!!

Partners in Health and Success!
Shannon Burnett-Gronich

Event Production Goddess,
Marketing Expert and
Best Selling Author
321-549-2128  (Office)



Day 22 of Juice Fast and Cleanse – Permission for Self Care


Wow….yesterday I was on fire with energy and getting things done!!  Today, an hour before my Free Press Training, I started getting a headache and feverish. DETOX!!!! My wonderful husband put his healing hands on me ten minutes before the call, that was enough of a boost to get me through!!! I want to quit tonight….trying to distract my mind. Started watching a movie and all I can think about is popcorn.


Thank goodness we have a refrigerator full of juices and set for a few days! Keeps me in the game for another day or two! Got a few new recipes from my Veronica Andrew of Eating with Love.  She decided to join us and fasted for 7 days this past week and now she is doing a strict Raw Foods Diet and continues enemas for deep healing!!! Love that she is an expert in detoxing and healing with food!!! Great to have someone to share our funny stories with. 


One is her power drinks in the morning

4 Tablespoons of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar


Cayenne pepper 

Fresh squeezed lemon juice


Yummy….and a great way to balance the bodies PH. 


I have waves of guilt around not being productive or focused…..all self imposed negative thinking. I am noticing how I base  some of my worth on what I accomplish. Two years ago I did a lot of work with Dr. Gary Null at his Lifestyle Modification Retreat around my workaholism and lack of self care, and it is still coming up! Anyone else have challenges with finding balance? Are you okay with just taking time off and doing nothing? Balance in relationships, family, health, work and spiritually!! 


This entire fast I have not given myself permission to take a nap!!! Naps are key in healing and helpful with fasting. I have a dear friend, Cynthia Segal  that takes daily 10 minute cat naps and wakes up like she had slept for hours!! Maybe tomorrow I will get a nap in 🙂 


Special thanks to my dearest husband Ari Gronich. We have been married almost 120 days and he so willingly  jumping right in on this journey! Some days I bring him juices and lots of love…other days it’s his turn, like today!!! 


Questions I am thinking about

What can I let go of in my life, right now?

What would my life be like if I drink green juices everyday?

Where do I resist to give myself permission for self care? 


Food for thought LOL well juice for thought!!! Gotta run…Ari is bringing me my evening cocktail of juiced sprouts, wheatgrass, goji and apple juice!!


