October 25, 2024

Tips for a Successful Elevator Pitch – Engagement


MediaMagic Elevator PitchWhile an elevator pitch needs to be short & to the point, it must also feature a well-defined objective. Every example used and point made must work to complement the point that’s being argued during the pitch. For instance, if a job aspirant starts a discussion with a possible employer during a career fair, then their elevator pitch must rotate around why they’re the best person for the job.

Prior to creating an elevator pitch, it’s crucial for you to actively envision the intended goal of the dialogue & formulate an objective from there.

The next step must be to explain how you’re going to accomplish your intended goal. For example, a job candidate must highlight the experiences and skills which make him/her the best person for the required position. Most professionals find this part of the elevator pitch quite challenging and end up losing their focus.

You want each single step of your elevator pitch to strengthen or support the proposed goal of the talk.

Lastly, it’s important that you let your intended prospect know why their role is so important for you to attain your goal. For instance, if the intended objective of your pitch is to acquire an investor for your company, then you want to emphasize how the investor’s assistance can benefit your company.

It’s critical that your elevator pitch is specific & crafted in a way such that your target audience knows why they’re invaluable for accomplishing the final goal.

What would you say if you were stepping into an elevator with Oprah or someone you wanted to connect with who would transform your business?

To your business & life success,

Shannon Gronich Media Magic


Creating A Press Release Tagline that Sizzles


taglinesgettothepointA tagline, or many times called the subject line, is the first impression and the most important part of a press release. This is the very first item the media will see or hear.

A relevant & original tagline can grant you an amazing ability to intrigue your audience into reading further. This allows you to express something fascinating about your product or service. You then can use this tagline on almost everything, starting from your website to the letterhead and any other marketing tools you may use.

Taglines can help you transform your press release from average to something the media wants!

Below are some tips which can help you come up with press release taglines that sizzle:

Why Reinvent – Copy from the BEST

Study the covers of different magazines; check out different TV shows to try to identify specific sayings which catch your attention. Many of the top publications have spent millions in market research to ensure they capture the eyes of their readers.

KISS – Keep It Short and Sweet

Eliminate anything which may not be the most essential elements to what would get your audience intrigued so that they will want to read more. Preferably, you must try to reduce it to a single key element or at least look to keep it to no more than five to seven words.

Use Numbers – They Capture the Most Attention

Numbers are a great way to attract the reader’s eye to a clearly defined topic. You do not include all the details in the press release itself; however, it is a perfect place to showcase what you know and to have the editor wanting to know more.

Here are a few examples I have used over the years:

11 Mistakes Even the Smartest Exhibitors Make

85 Ways to Improve Your Health in 6 Hours or Less

9 Essentials to Creating Sustainable Partnerships

Take your key components into account and give it a go in crafting a tagline for a topic you want to share with the masses. Even using google AdWords to see what your audience is looking for can help.

What tagline in your business has worked best for capturing attention?

Share taglines below and get feedback.

To your business & life success,
Shannon Burnett-Gronich


How to Get on Television – What Producers Want


TV NewsTelevision is one of the major mediums for marketing and often one of the most challenging to get noticed by. With a clear vision and great story you can get booked.

Consider all the relevant TV shows in which you want your news or story to be presented.

Start visualizing and creating a list of shows where you would like to see your story. I suggest that you jot down at least 15 to 20.

Do your research about the show prior to communicating with them so that you can ensure your story or news is a suitable fit for their major audience & the kind of story or news they typically feature.

Whenever possible, look to create a personal connection with journalists, editors, and especially the secretaries and gatekeepers who hold the key to getting you to the people you want to talk with.  They will be your greatest allies or they can shut the door before you ever get in-depending on how you build those relationships.

Send your story along with a short and to-the-point pitch letter to the producer of your interested TV show in addition to all the required contact info. Pitch videos are encouraged to showcase how you perform in front of the camera.

Remember to include why their audience might find your story interesting.

During a phone conversation with the show organizers, stay excited, keep it brief, & be aware that there’s a very fine line between pitching your story & being pushy.

Most editors fancy a personal pitch as opposed to a typical press release.

Ensure that you come up with a strong and catchy subject line for your news or story. After all, just like you, there may be several other people who want to grab a spot on a popular TV show.

Make sure you follow up after 7 days if there’s no response from the show organizers.

While following up, remember to keep your cool. At best, appreciate the producers & editors for giving their valuable time to consider your news or story. Even if they might not need you at the moment, you might get an unexpected call from them in the near future.

Hence, never lose hope. Keep your eye on the goal!!!

How have you gotten booked on television?

Share a link to your favorite show or interview.

To your business & life success,

Shannon Burnett-Gronich



How to Get Booked on Radio – You Are More Powerful Than You Think


Radio interviews have a life of their own. They can last a short moment, a month, or even years depending on how you market them.radiomic
If you haven’t been on the radio yet, now is your time. This is one of the quickest ways to showcase you as an authority figure and create leverage to grow your business.

One of the best places to look and get booked is on BlogTalkRadio.com. Blog Talk Radio is the world’s largest online talk radio and podcast hosting platform. There are thousands of shows in various categories. If you follow these few steps you can get booked almost instantly on the radio.

First, you want to have your media kit ready.

Second, research for radio shows that are relevant to your subject matter and determine if the listenership is a good match. Also be creative. Many times there are niche markets we can tap into.

Finally, reach out to the host with your media kit and possible topics they could choose from. When you start contacting the media, it is important to communicate your message clearly and concisely. You want to be sure that you are very clear about who you are and what your business is about. Don’t give too much information – you may overwhelm them and “turn off” the host!

Remember they do not want to provide free advertising but rather content that their listeners will want. Talk in terms of what the listeners will gain and the benefits of having you on the show.

If you help with marketing your presence on their show, include your marketing plans and intention. They love having access to new listeners. When a host knows it is a win-win-win, it is easy for them to say “yes.”

What shows have you or your business been featured on?

How did you get started in radio?

Please comment below with your experience or links to shows
Best Regards,
Shannon Burnett-Gronich

Pay thousands of dollars for a publicist or learn how to do it yourself. https://shannonburnett.builderallwp.com/training/oto-mediamagic/


A Mother’s Journey


Earlier this year, my mother had a surgery to remove a pain pump that had malfunctioned early. I am blessed to have the opportunity to go spend a week with her. What a difficult road to watch someone you love be in continual pain.  This experience brought many valuable lessons along the way. My intention for writing this is to share the process of learning to love and let go at a deeper level.

Being a natural health advocate for almost 18 years I have been blessed to work with some of the top MD’s and healers on the planet. I have seen many modalities heal a number of ailments that doctors or mainstream medicine say “this is the way it is” or “there is nothing you can do about it”.

My first big lesson, even today is to “let go and let God”. It is so hard to know what I know and watch people I love make choices that will not always get the results they want. My mom a number of years ago started having major back pain and at the time I was dating a chiropractor. A number of times we drove hours for him to work on her. She raved about how it was helping and how good she would feel afterwards….but the doctor said she needed to have  a surgery because of this his myriad of reasons.  In my experience, the spine is like our teeth, it needs continual care and love so that it will work in proper order.  It connects to EVERYTHING in our body. Our nerves and organs are affected by our spine being in proper place or being subluxated. My mom ended up having 2 back surgeries; each one (in my opinion) has left her worse and in more pain. Then over 5 years ago they put a pain pump into her stomach that administers her medication. Technology is fascinating!!!

As challenging as it is….I have to drop into my heart to alleviate judgement for our medical system and havecompassion for her pain and her deep desire to heal.   I know that watching my Mothers Journey, has given me a greater level of desire to help educate our world on the alternatives to western medicine, while at the same time an appreciation for the level of technology that we have attained in medicine.  I mean who would have thought that one day, we would be able to remotely monitor a pain pump placed inside a person.  What a Journey!!!


Many prayers for my mother, as her back continues to be a challenge!!
