February 18, 2025

I’m coming OUT!


First – Can anyone relate to wanting to get it “perfect”? So much that it stops you, at times from doing things that bring you joy and inspire others? For the last 6+ months I have wanted to post blogs, but worried about my grammar and my ability to communicate. There is also a fear of sharing conflicting thoughts or beliefs that may be judged.

Well, I’m coming OUT!

I am over being perfect! Or I am going to “know” that as long as I am doing the best I can, that IS perfect! So as I start my journey of BLOGGING and sharing the “heart and mind” of Shannon, please know that I am doing the best I can and that will include grammar error once in awhile. And some topic may push your buttons. Just know that in the heart of hearts….I live and breathe this vision and mission!

Second – Will anyone want to read and can I inspire others with my journey? That’s a crazy question! I know that I inspire everyday our staff, friends and family. Why not share the lessons I have learned, joy and challenges with others on a larger scale?

I’m coming OUT!

Yes, I am certain that will this journey of building a company, Conscious Living Partnership, will inspire others or maybe get them to look at life with a different pair of glasses. I know that being a “MAGNET” for innovate products and services, spiritual mentors and conscious businesses guru’s is a powerful place of learning that I would love to share.

Will you come out with me? I invite you to enjoy this journey of self discovery with me! I will share joy, challenges, conflicts and much more! I would appreciate all comments to learn and grow, even if you disagree! Because I believe every challenge or conflict is an opportunity for growth and transformation. So please share!


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