March 12, 2025

Last night we sent over 500 invitations to join our Conscious Community!


We are on the grow! Claudia, with UPSIDE art and I were up late working last night on projects for the Expo of Heart. We decided to see how easy it was to upload contacts from yahoo or hotmail to our on-line community. It was fun to see that we could complete this task of 500 contacts in less than 2 minutes. WOW!!!

This morning I woke up to find over 10 NEW profiles and growing. Now, it is after 1:00pm and we have over 25 members. I am also noticing that partners are starting to send out invitations to their on-line groups. Thank you!!!

You can help us grow YOUR community. If your heart is touched by someone’s profile…connect. If you have a story to share….inspire others. Last but not least, invite someone to be your friend.


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