January 26, 2025

My first session of Dr Gary Null’s Health Support Group


Last Monday night was the launch of our local Gary Null, PhD Health Support Group. A couple of months ago, I was invited to facilitate as a Life Coach and Wellness Consultant.

I had no idea that everything in my past would lead me up to this moment in time. My years of experience with business, event promotion, coaching and even health. I have been reminiscing about my past experience with Equinox International and Conscious Living Partnership which brings me to this point with confidence and certainty.

This is a powerful lifestyle modification program that individuals can join at any point, to get a baseline of their health, learn directly from Dr. Null and through different lifestyle choices….experience shifts and changes in our lives.

One of the challenges with learning new things is the process of self actualization. We go to seminars get all “jacked ?!?!?!?!(HYPED UP)?!?!?! up” and don’t always make the changes. It is process of implementation that becomes difficult. This is why having a coach or team is so powerful. They help hold me accountable! So I am thrilled to have this health support group. We have 2 Medical Doctors, a Registered Nurse and other health experts that are participating. It was magical to see the resources and support that everyone has contributed.

I have been really lazy and in denial of my potential and health. I can talk the talk but not always walk the walk. This week we watched “7 Steps to Perfect Health” (which you can purchase for only $16) then we completed a 9 page questionaire and took our measurements, blood pressure and more.

What an amazing “Ah Ha moment” the questionaire was for me!

Let me share with you some of the questions….

Do you believe that lifestyle changes can have an impact on your lifespan?

Are you prepared to make changes in your lifestyle that may increase your lifespan?

How many times to you wash your hands?

How many vacations (4 or more days) do you take in a year?

Do you nap during the day on a regular basis?

Of the people in your life that have hurt you, what percentage have you forgiven?

How many minutes in an average day do you take for self-reflection, mediation or breath-work?

Here are just a few from the 9 pages. I think everyone could benefit from this questionaire. It really help me get in touch with myself at a deeper level. I found myself thinking about things I want to change like my gray hair, weak nails and such!

I am so honored and blessed to be leading this group. I get to really experience first hand the changes.

This week the protocol is:

Journaling, juicing celery, cucumber and apples, eating only what gives my body energy or healing, doing 1-2 hours exercise and powerwalking everyday, drink one glass red and one glass green stuff and protein drink (Gary’s world famous powder drinks).


Over 30 health reasons to Eat Watermelon!


I am really excited to learn more about health and nutrition right now as I am diving into the Gary Null Health Support Group Protocol. Last year, when I did the month retreat with Dr Null every Sunday was a watermelon fast. And the last time I was visiting Paradise Garden we ate watermelon everyday. I continue to eat as much as possible and thought I would share this great article I found on some of the benefits.

Partners in Health,
Shannon Burnett
Life Coach & Wellness Consultant

P.S. Our local health support group has two projects we are working with to help our community! One is our community organic garden and the other is helping homeless. Join us….by buying a watermelon today and give it to someone in transistion or homeless. Read below….all the gifts you are giving them.


The health benefits of water melon include kidney disorders, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart care, heat stroke, macular degeneration, impotence, etc.

What’s so much the fuss about this Water Melon? Isn’t it nothing more than a ball full of water? Okay! I know there cannot be a more refreshing thing than a big, chilled wedge of water melon in tropical summers and it sports a stylish scientific name of Citrullus Lanatus. But then there are others too. So, what’s special about it? I am afraid, there are lots of them.

How about having a refreshing glimpse of them? Given below are some health benefits of water melon:

Kidney Disorders: Water Melon contains a lot of potassium, which is very helpful in cleaning or washing off the toxic depositions in the kidneys. Moreover, it is helpful in reducing concentration of uric acid in the blood, thereby reducing the chances of kidney damages and formation of renal calculi in it. Added to these, being high in water content, it induces frequent urinating, which is again helpful for cleaning of kidneys. Also, the anti oxidants present in ensure good health of kidneys for a long.

High Blood Pressure: A good amount of Potassium and magnesium, present in water melons, are very good in bringing down the blood pressure. The carotenoids present in them prevent hardening of walls of arteries and veins, thereby helping reduce blood pressure.

Prevent Heat Stroke: Water melon is effective in reducing your body temperature and blood pressure. Many people in the tropical regions eat the fruit daily in the afternoon during summers to protect themselves from heat stroke. In India, you will find the fruit being sold by vendors in almost every street during summers.

Diabetes: Diabetes patients, who are supposed to have low energy and low sugar diet, often complaint about starving since they don’t get to eat their staple diet to their full, giving them a feeling of keeping half fed. Water Melons can be a good supplement for them. In spite of being sweet in taste, a thick wedge will give you very few calories, since ninety nine percent of its total weight is composed of water and roughage. Moreover, the various vitamins and minerals such as potassium and magnesium help in proper functioning of insulin in the body, thus lowering the blood sugar level. Arginine, another component found in water melons, is very effective in enhancing impact of insulin on sugar. Diabetes patients can also have curries, steaks, salads made from water melon rinds which are even lower in sugar.

Heart Care: Lypocene, a carotenoid found in abundance in water melon, improves cardiac functions. Beta carotene, known for its remarkable anti oxidant and anti aging properties, also keeps you young at the heart and prevents age related cardiac problems. The roughage in water melon and its very low energy, with help from vitamin-C, Carotenoids and potassium (potassium cuts the risk of a heart attack), help reduce cholesterol and keep your heart safe.

Macular Degeneration: Leave your worry of eyes on that beta carotene, that vitamin-C and those Lutein and Zeaxanthin. They will ensure protection of your eyes from macular degeneration. They are experts in that. These anti oxidants will protect your eyes from other age related ailments such as drying up of eyes and optical nerves, glaucoma etc.

Impotence: Arginine, present in water melon, is beneficial in curing erectile dysfunctions.

Other Benefits: Lypocene is found to be effective in preventing cancer, prostrate growth and repair damaged tissues. Water melon seeds are rich in good fats and proteins. Water melons also contain phytonutrients which have very good effect on the health and proper functioning of internal organs, eyes, secretion system etc.
This article was contributed by Aparup Mukherjee


My Personal Invitation and Transformation


I wanted to personally share why I think this is the most valuable and important event I have ever produced. Last November I was selected to be in a documentary film that was a month long retreat/bootcamp produced by Gary Null, PhD. Little did I know this retreat would transform my life forever.

When I went there I didn’t realize the I had a number of personal roadblocks that affected my health, business and family life, on top of the crisis I was experiencing with the economy. Dr. Null’s work has taken me to new levels to live and think in the most authentic way. My health has taken a quantum leap and I can now say, do not need surgery as suggested back in 2009.

As a bonus, my extra weight has fallen away.

Not only has Dr. Null written 100 books, produced 100 films, been named “The New Mr Natural” by Time Magazine and been awarded documentarian and environmentalist – for decades he has worked selflessly on behalf of humanity, our physical and emotional health, the homeless and our environment.

The millions of people, who know of Dr. Null, consider him an iconic leader who has made huge shifts in the world on our behalf. I feel so very blessed that we have been able to have him come to our area.

In alignment with the subject of his new film “LOVE” (which we will be showing and he will include in his talk), I would love it if we could use this also as an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new connections. Let’s come together as a community that makes a positive difference in the world. Let’s celebrate and reconnect with each other.


Mind Control at Gary Null’s Retreat


Yesterday was my 5th day of a 4 week retreat with Gary Null at his Paradise Garden’s in Naples Florida. Check it out!! Everyday at 7 am we go to the track to power walk or run. My first day was 3 miles and the very next day it went to 4 miles. I had the opportunity to be with Gary personally for most of the track, thank goodness. I am learning so much and excited to share what’s happening, my inspired insights and what’s up with mind control.

For starters, I am not physically fit and 3-4 miles by itself was out of my comfort zone and painful. When on the track yesterday, I was in complete silence and really observing my mind and how it wanted to “take me out” or “make excuses”. Maybe you can relate, as I began to see how I do this in almost every area of my life, from food, exercise, business and relationships. I am excited to share tools I used that Gary has gracefully reminded me about.

As my miles got higher and I got more exhausted this is what was going on inside on my mind:

“My knee’s hurt”

“My back and shoulders hurt”

“I have had surgery”

“Why isn’t anyone else here?”

“Gary is on the air (radio) this morning, he will never know how many laps I do”

“3 miles is enough for me today, I have been working out hard everyday”

“I have been doing this everyday, my body needs a break”

“If they aren’t doing it, why should I?”

“I am hurting”

“I can’t do this anymore I am going to fall over”

I wanted to quit over 100 times!! I could hear Gary in the back of my mind saying it takes commitment, discipline, focus and mastery to live an empowered life.

We did an exercise the first day in the gym where he asked me to do the MOST I could do of an exercise. Upon completion, he showed me the timer and immediately I said “2 minutes, that’s not long at all”….he reminded me that was my mind going to the dark side (he has a great film with Debbie Ford and Bruce Lipton called “Overcoming the Darkside”)! THEN THE MAGIC HAPPENED! He did an energy exchange with me and I started the exercise again….this time I had a 400% increase! Wow, I had the power to do so much more than I imagined!

Every time I wanted to quit…..
I told my mind “STOP”.
I stayed focused on the goal and commitment.
Reminded myself that I can MASTER anything and this is part of the mastering process!
I held this image of finishing and what that would feel like to celebrate this success.
The BIGGEST this was telling my mind I am in control….I get to choose….no more excuses or reasons, they are not me, just my mind/ego trying to take me out.

Lesson is for me is to be aware of my mind and with discipline and focus I can control it! No more excuses!
TODAY’s UPDATE: GARY added 2 more miles. YES 6 miles!!! Immediately my mind went to all kinds of stuff including wining and complaining (imagine that)….however I am excited to say I did all 6 miles and it was easier than I thought with my new tools for mind control and focus on mastery!!Look forward to your feedback and comments! Your truly inspire me.


7 Thoughts about Conscious Kid Communication


It has been interesting over the years as a parent and others suggestions to write a book about my parenting experience and skills.

I attended a workshop, visited with parents and those experiences have motivated me to write a blog about “conscious communication” with our children. The workshop reminded me how words, even when kidding, can be challenges for adults many years later. Don’t “KID” around with words. For starters, let’s explore the power of language, words and what we truly want. For me, I desire my children to be whoever they want! Key areas I focus to enhance are confidence, empowerment, independence, self-worth, good relationships, intuition, authenticity, successful, love and the list goes on and on…..

Conscious Kid Thought # 1 – What’s the Outcome?
When I am communicating with my children, I think, “What is the outcome I desire?” and I tell them that!!! It has been a major shift, with lots of focus to make conscious choices with my language. Here are a few examples:

“Don’t run!” And what happens? The children hear the word RUN and continue to do that! I would say “WALK”

“Don’t forget” I would say “Please remember”

“Don’t be afraid” – “You are courageous”

“That’s stupid” – “Let’s see if we can find a better way”

Conscious Kid Thought # 2 – What Body Langage?
Words account for only 7%

Tone of voice accounts for 38%

Body language accounts for 55%

“Don’t hit” what happens? Children often continue to hit or it takes longer to work with this behavior change. Some parents slap or hit when they tell their children not to. THIS IS CRAZY!!! What worked for me is “Please touch nice” or “Touch gently” and I would show them (be a role model) with my hands, what that looked like.

Conscious Kid Thought #3 – Emotions Speak too?
Often when kids are crying, I hear parents say “You’re not hurt”, “Stop Crying”! What if someone said that to them? I believe this cycle has been handed down for many years. And the core, this statement may stem from not wanting to deal with our own emotions or this level of emotional release is uncomfortable. Even if the children are looking for attention (get their “love tank” filled), let them “be” in their emotions! It has taken me years to START to be comfortable with ALL my emotions. I know my children will be free of so much “emotional luggage” because I honor their emotions. Anger, sadness, joy, scared, peaceful – All of it!

Conscious Kid Thought #4 – What’s a Love Tank?
We all have “Love Tanks” ! With children, when they are misbehaving it’s often because they have a misdirected goal (https://www.ActiveParenting.com) that they need support in redirecting the energy. One way that is quick and powerful to fill a “Love Tank”, is quality time. This is time that they direct the activity. With kids my age, it is usually “floor time” with a game, go to the movies or beach. They decide!

Conscious Kid Thought # 5 – Course Correct, What Do I Do?
When making corrections I do a “compliment sandwich” as my son says. Compliment, correction then compliment! This leaves everyone feeling good about change.

Conscious Kid Thought #6 – Who Defines Success?
“That’s the WRONG way” – this statement has a way of closing the mind. Another way to state this is “Here is another way or a different way”

Our schools have this system of looking at what we do WRONG! Many times they put -3 instead of +97 on school work! Let’s focus on ALL the good stuff the kids do instead of where they miss things. Success BREEDS Success!!

Conscious Kid Thought #7 – Do We Want Transformation in our World?
When we shift our language and our thoughts about others…they change. You have the power to make a big difference with awareness. Be present with EVERY word that leaves your mouth. Children are our future and what may appear as nothing to you, can leave residue for years to come. BE CONSCIOUS!! Speak words of love, success, joy and say all the things you wish your parents would have said to you!

Partners in Success,
Shannon Burnett

Please post comments and feedback!


Have you wasted all your money on ineffective marketing?


Shannon Burnett’s CLP “Extreme Results F-R-E-E Press – Get YOUR Word out NOW!” Bootcamp was a huge success in Boca, now we are holding it in Brevard and West Palm County in October!

You Must Act Now Before It Is Too Late – For You and Your Business



October 3rd – 9 AM – 5 PM
Melbourne, Florida

October 10th – 9 AM – 5 PM
Boca Raton, Florida

Have you wasted all your money on ineffective marketing?

Are you tired of getting little or no results?

Do you want to know extremely effective ways to get your message to the masses?

Is your company a sinking ship going down fast?

Are you ready to learn how to get your name and your business in the news, on radio and in print and for F-R-E-E?

SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS EVERY YEAR WHEN YOU LEARN POWERFUL MEDIA PRINCIPLES THAT GET EXTREME RESULTS. Now is the time that people need to know about you and your business. At the extremely interactive and hands on “Extreme Results F-R-E-E Press Boot Camp” you will walk about with a wealth of knowledge to accelerate your business now by tapping in the power of F-R-E-E Press!

Join Shannon Burnett, Founder and CEO of Conscious Living Partnership at the Extreme Results F-R-E-E Press Boot Camp where you will learn how she successfuly built her business based on the same principles she will be teaching you. She has successful attained over $750,000 in f-r-e-e press. Shannon is known for having the “Million Dollar Rolodex” and teaching others how to do the same. She has trained and coached hundreds of individuals and businesses in marketing, business development and personal growth. Not only has she appeared on television, radio and in the press, she has Co-Authored the “Law of Business Attraction – The Secret of Cooperative Ventures” with T Harv Eker and Dave Austin to name a few.


· Learn The Five Essential Keys To A Power Packed Personal & Business Bio That Gets You Noticed· Know How To Create A Media Press Release That Doesn’t End Up In The PR Department Garbage Can
· Learn The How To Maximize Results With Most Influential Words In The English Langauge
· Discover The Six Secrets To A Media Kit That Will Create “The Promotional Buzz” You Have Always Desired
· Save Time And Money By Learning How To Access The Influential Media Contact List
· Stand Out From The Competion By Being Seen As A “Highly Desired” Expert In Your Field
· Leave With Your Very Own Set Of “Get The Word Out Now” Action Steps
The Extreme Results F-R-E-E Press Boot Camp is easily worth over $2540. If you apply one of the dynamic strategies you are going to learn at this Boot Camp, it could easily reap thousands of dollars coming in your business in record time. Since many of you have wasted tons on money on ineffective marketing strategies with limited or no results, we wanted to give you a irresistable offer that you just couldn’t refuse.
If you are willing to take action now, you will be able to get your message to the masses for a phenomenal price that is just too good to pass up on:


Oct 3 or 10th, 2009 9AM-5PM
Only $97 – per person

Even better – Bring a Friend, Collegue or Spouse for ONLY $177 – For Two

Or call 888-285-1233 or email info@consciouslivingpartnership.com

The Choice Is Yours! You can choose to continue to pay thousands of dollars for ineffective marketing with limited or even “zero” results. Or you can choose to spend $97 to know how you can get an endless supply of F-R-E-E press with extreme results! And Get Your Word Out Now! Register before this very special offer is going, going, gone.


Radial Change “Shift Happens”


A few weeks ago I decided to make some radial changes in my life and take my power back in some areas that I have given it away. I have had this habit of taking care of people to the detriment of my own health, personallity and even my business. Part of my SHIFT involved me moving out of my home, not only to downsize but to aid in movement of my roommate that continues to show-up at my doorstep in need of a place to live. The roommate happens to be a dear friend and my childrens father. It’s not an easy thing to let go of that relationship, as it was currently shaped. Love how it is shaping now!

Today for breakfast, I went into the kitchen for coffee and my normal behavior is to eat what’s EASY. I do not usually cook and especially not for myself. Then when I decided to cook something for myself, massive emotions and memories came up around how many times I would starve myself and not care for myself nutritiously, unless there were other people to cook or care for. It is sad to think that I am the last one on my list….until now! Learning to love and honor myself is so powerful.

As this journey is progressing many of my relationships are changing. I am seeing where I do not set boundries or honor my truth in many situations. People pleasing, can anyone relate? I even allow people to give hurtful input about how I should or shouldn’t live my life. My favorite “speak my truth moment” was so beautiful, when at the start, this individual said “I know this will be for the highest good of both of us”. WOW! We can really create these type of relationships in our life that honor us, honoring ourselves!

Where can you honor yourself more? What boundries do you have?

Are there times when you do things out of obligation or people pleasing?

What can you let go of, that is no longer serving your highest good?

Thank you again for your continued feedback and support on this amazing journey called LIFE


Creating an “Ideal Partner List”


I broke up from an amazing relationship last July. In this relationship, I got to experience a partnership of deep admiration and support. He helped me see beauty inside of myself that I didn’t always see or acknowledge as gifts! He loved my children as if they were his own and I could go on and on with all the amazing gifts that came from our time together.

So why did you break- up then? Well there is a time and a season for everything and I was certain that time had come.

After this break-up I looked at what the amazing gifts I recieved from this experience and what would I like to create more of or differently next time! This time, with the inspiration of https://www.KandeeG.com and her love story she shared, it motived me to create an “Ideal Partner List”!

Have you ever created an ideal partner list? The first time I did this process was about 9 years ago and I said I would NEVER do that again because I got everything I asked for, but forgot to look at a few key areas. LOL However….now I know that to create what I want, I want to have clarity! Clarity leads to power.


When I first started this process I was careful to put the language in the form of what I want to create, instead of what I don’t want. Sometime I had to start with what I didn’t want to turn it around to what I did want.

Then when I looked at the list, I started to feel very depressed and lonely. Thinking how can I attract this amazing person into my life? Am I being shallow? Is it truely possible to have everything I want in a partner?

After a short time I started dating and adding more items to my list. It was getting longer and longer and longer (still is today)! Wow!!! Wondering is this partner really possible…and yet I have faith they are. I am still holding the vision…..and certain this process is bringing him to me now.

I will share a portion of my list below….Would love to hear if you think, share insights and comments

My PR advisor is saying I am NUTS for posting this….it will push buttons and not a good idea! What do you think?

My ideal partner is coming to me NOW!! or when I am ready! LOL

I am to be the person I would love to love
As we grow together, sees us as a team
Comfortable and willing to wear a business suit
Great mindset
Enjoys Learning
Enlightened Warrior
Living Consciously
Loves holding me
Love my children
Loves kissing me
Loves what I share
Great listener
Wants to be involved and hear about my day and life
Willing to feel and express all feelings
natural health advocate
Loves kids
Loves animals
Willing to be intimate
Understand and utilize their power in visioning
Open minded
physically fit
GREAT looking
spiritual and open to other beliefs
great driver (I have been in a few accidents)
Enjoys taking my phone calls and/or connections – even if just a quick “hi, I am busy”
Ok with me being on the phone for work (many hours)
Love community and comfortable being with others.
Strong enough to be gentle
Tells me I am beautiful
Tells me I am special
Tell me he loves me!!!
Shares challenges openly
Focuses on the good in me and helps me see it, when I don’t
Full of surprises
Great sense of humor
Supports my choice of priorities even if he disagrees
Lovingly agrees to disagree when needed
Willing to take risks
Will act in spite of fear or unknown
Hold me in the light
Pray with me and family
Will say “sorry” if needed
Hold me when I am crying, even if it is uncomfortable
Willing to stay in our relationship, even through the most challenging times
Beautiful eyes!
Great zest for life
Money is not an issue, plenty of it!
Loves music
Loves dancing
Has a passport
Plays well with others
Enjoys shopping with me
Straight male
Street smart
Entrepreneur mindset
Living in the NOW
Loves rubbing my feet and body
Love to be of service for others
Will love and adore me when I am old
Wants to grow old but not look old, with me
Balance in all areas of his life!
Considerate of others
Great Father
Great cook
Wants to show up and support events
Available emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually
See us (everyone) as ONE
similar political views – not allowing politics to create separation
Respects the body as a temple and sex as a sacred act of Godliness
Social Drinking or not a drinker at all
Risk taker!
Will continue to be commited to play together, even when they want to quit
Will avoid excuses
Shows up for himself
Reaction…can move through it quickly without much damage.
Will “get over it”…and tell me to “get over it”, when I need it
Understand that pain is okay, just love and allow during that process
Work through resistance, do what is uncomfortable
Wants homes in other areas/countries
Pushes me with love to grow into the spiritual and business leader I am!
Values the support I bring to their life and I do the same for them. Honor each others gifts
Will challenge my belief’s and their own
Cool with Jari being an active father and friend.
Wants to be married…if not have a sacred ceremony like marriage
We experience giving and recieving love unconditionally
Allows me to show up and serve, without fears or judgements. Just let’s me give!
Enjoys hiking, camping and the outdoors
When I see him, I want to kiss and hug…my hearts beats fast even after many years!



I’m coming OUT!


First – Can anyone relate to wanting to get it “perfect”? So much that it stops you, at times from doing things that bring you joy and inspire others? For the last 6+ months I have wanted to post blogs, but worried about my grammar and my ability to communicate. There is also a fear of sharing conflicting thoughts or beliefs that may be judged.

Well, I’m coming OUT!

I am over being perfect! Or I am going to “know” that as long as I am doing the best I can, that IS perfect! So as I start my journey of BLOGGING and sharing the “heart and mind” of Shannon, please know that I am doing the best I can and that will include grammar error once in awhile. And some topic may push your buttons. Just know that in the heart of hearts….I live and breathe this vision and mission!

Second – Will anyone want to read and can I inspire others with my journey? That’s a crazy question! I know that I inspire everyday our staff, friends and family. Why not share the lessons I have learned, joy and challenges with others on a larger scale?

I’m coming OUT!

Yes, I am certain that will this journey of building a company, Conscious Living Partnership, will inspire others or maybe get them to look at life with a different pair of glasses. I know that being a “MAGNET” for innovate products and services, spiritual mentors and conscious businesses guru’s is a powerful place of learning that I would love to share.

Will you come out with me? I invite you to enjoy this journey of self discovery with me! I will share joy, challenges, conflicts and much more! I would appreciate all comments to learn and grow, even if you disagree! Because I believe every challenge or conflict is an opportunity for growth and transformation. So please share!


3 Secrets to Free Marketing


Shannon Burnett, CEO of Conscious Living Partnership, hosts a Mega Marketing Call where you will learn how to leverage the cash flow of your business by mastering the art of marketing in print, media, television, and radio channels.

SPECIAL: Everyone who joins us for this call receives a FREE EOH MP3!

Everyone that joins our Mega Marketing Conference call will receive a free MP3 download from our Accelerate Your Business Conference featuring Ernest Chu, author of Soul Currency. Workshop audio is an hour and a half titled “Accelerating Your Business with Conscious Capital Creation”

3 Secrets to Free Press – How to get 1000’s in Free Press
With Shannon Burnett
2nd Thursday of every month

FREE Marketing Tele-course
1) Learn the 3 most important thing you must have for marketing success
2) How to get 1000’s in Free Press
3) Language for results!

As CLP is growing, we’re adding more benefits.
Are you using your benefits to their greatest potential?
Learn how your business can make money with CLP!

Call in information:
Access Code: 106741#
