March 12, 2025

Journey of Writing a Book…..


For over a year now, I have been advised to write a book. I have had so much resistance and difficulty in sitting still to do it. Knowing what I know about book writing, I had some inner conflict. So here is the mind of Shannon….

“There are many options for books, I know authors that write a proposal and get it published and authors that write a book to build creditiblity and it is like a business card. There is also the option of finding a publisher or self publishing. WOW!!! Then what will the readers be inspired to read? What do I want to share?”

Can anyone relate here?

In July, I signed a contract to co-author a book with 30 other authors. Authors in the book include T. Harv Eker, Loral Langemeier and BJ Dohrmann. I am so honored and very nervous, both at the same time. This opportunity is a PUSH from ABOVE to get writing and sharing.

I will keep you posted on the status! I am working with the most amazing coach, from Conscious Living Partnership, Amonda Rose. She is helping so much! Thank you. If you are interested in publishing your own book or you have and want to share…please add a comments!


CLP at Vibrant Women’s Conference


This past weekend we sponsored the 2nd annual Vibrant Women’s Conference in Melbourne, Florida. What a dynamic day for our team and community. We had a wonderful sponsor booth, that positioned our organization at the front of everyone. Thank you, Kelly Palace.

I was laughing so hard when Edie Raether of Raleigh, NC presented “Kick Your Dreams into Action”. She was dressed for success and one of the activities was breaking a wooden board with your hand. The position she and the women breaking the board, reminded me of a karate position, but in a business suite. Great insight to our personal power and what holds us back….and where we hesitate because of FEAR.

The speakers were all educational and inspiring! The biggest theme for myself was dream big, love yourself and be unstoppable!

Can you imagine my other favorite event?
The ultimate chocolate cake break and expo! What’s better than EATING CHOCOLATE WITH GIRLFRIENDS & SHOPPING.

I received an award for being the “Vibrant Women 2008”. This was an extreme honor and loved the standing ovation with smiling girlfriends in the audience. Thank you! You all inspire me be vibrant!

Hope you join us for next years event! proud sponsors of the Vibrant Women’s Conference.


2 full days of video interviews at Expo of Heart!


Wow! What an amazing 2 days of video interviews before the 8th Annual Expo of Heart.

We checked into the Embassy Suites in Ft. Lauderdale on Thursday evening to begin our expo journey of transformation!

Friday morning started with Dr. Ben Johnson, the only MD from “the Secret” and his partner Dr. Alex Lloyd, the founder of the Healing Codes. This interview was a true inspiration of healing the “un-curable” disease and true love commitment, even in times of deep sorrow and challenge. My first opportunity to meet these 2 amazing men was over 4 years ago in Los Angeles at a conference. They had 5 participants on stage with multiple challenges and pains. At the end (5-10 minutes later) everyone walked off the stage with a whole new look and feel.

I personally have used the codes on myself, kids and family…WOW! You will love this video interview. It almost brought tears to my eyes a couple of times.

Other interviews include…

Jill Dahne The #1 Love Psychic in the World – Says Hilary Clinton will be our next president of the United States and give predictions on celebrity marriages and babies. She also told me I found my true love (-: YIPPEE

Kandee G with her inspirational story, “From Peanut Butter to Private Jets” is a result of a remarkably humble beginning beset by failure, trial, error and ultimately some common threads of truth that helped her reclaim the remarkable journey she continues today. This was one of the most inspiring interviews that shares how it doesn’t matter where we came from, it only matters where we are going.

Mabel Iam shared that THIS was her first English interview. Wow, was I honored! Mabel is a Celebrity Author, Relationship expert, astrologer, counselor Mabel Iam is the author of over 27 books including the bestselling “Sex and the Perfect Lover” which has been translated into over 12 languages. Her latest book “I Love You. Now What?” from Simon and Schuster has just been released. In addition to being a contributing editor for Siempre Mujer magazine she is a frequent guest on several radio and TV shows including Despierta America and was featured in a Valentine’s day edition of Don Francisco Presenta. We discussed the culture we have in America around sex compared to other countries (I lived in Italy for 2 years – with topless beaches). She suggested I asked both my children “What do you know about SEX?” and have the discussion with them NOW at 8 and 9 years old. I started have the discussion today with my 9 year old son…..boy he knows it all and was surprised I asked but I could tell he was grateful it wasn’t a secret!



Last night we sent over 500 invitations to join our Conscious Community!


We are on the grow! Claudia, with UPSIDE art and I were up late working last night on projects for the Expo of Heart. We decided to see how easy it was to upload contacts from yahoo or hotmail to our on-line community. It was fun to see that we could complete this task of 500 contacts in less than 2 minutes. WOW!!!

This morning I woke up to find over 10 NEW profiles and growing. Now, it is after 1:00pm and we have over 25 members. I am also noticing that partners are starting to send out invitations to their on-line groups. Thank you!!!

You can help us grow YOUR community. If your heart is touched by someone’s profile…connect. If you have a story to share….inspire others. Last but not least, invite someone to be your friend.


We are launching!


Thank you for joining the pre-launch of Conscious Living Space. We are in our pilot stage and look forward to your feedback.

It is amazing how the universe works. We negotiated an agreement to build and launch the CLP Conscious Living Space in November. Just before we pulled the trigger with another software, a techie angel (Jeff) with came to a Conscious Living Partnership corporate presentation. Jeff started telling us about the the magic and ease of this SITE. So here we are on-line together, bringing consciousness to individuals, communities and the world. We are doing our official launch in March 2008.

What do you want to create here?

What is your expertise that you can share with others and position yourself ground floor with this site?

I would like to create the largest resource for natural health success stories. I plan to start that forum after this year’s Expo of Heart. So be thinking about your testimonials that will inspire others.

Thanks for your support in creating a global conscious community.
